What If…battle royals/Royal Rumbles/Casino Battle Royals

In what might be a regular deal, I present to you my idea of some quick hits/small observations on topics. This edition is centered around things that would be interesting in a battle royal style matchup.

What If…someone came to the ring with weapons. It’s no DQ so why not? Or bring back the Bunkhouse Stampede..

What If…in the middle of a Royal Rumble, everyone was eliminated and the ring was empty for 2 minutes.

What if…someone wore weights to make them heavier or even old school armor like a knight.

What If…the winner of the Royal Rumble was someone nobody expected who wins accidentally and spends a month hiding so he doesn’t lose his spot only to lose it to the real main eventer at a show just before Wrestlemania.

What if…the wild card in the Casino Battle Royale was actually two competitors who said they were both promised that spot and fight about it and eliminate each other or someone locked them in a room, took the spot and the real wild card comes out and destroys them.

What if…during a Royal Rumble, there was only one competitor in the ring when number 30 or wild card entrant came out and you had a fun little match between the two to finish it.

What if…there was an inter-gender battle royal. Not just one or two women in a men's but 15 and 15.

What if…the first person eliminated was fired or punished somehow? 

What if…pinfalls or submissions were allowed too?

What if…AEW sent Britt Baker DMD or Jade Cargill to the Royal Rumble to eliminate Charlotte setting up a future matchup on AEW. Or on the men’s side, what if AEW sent Eddie Kingston to the Royal Rumble to “destroy the event” only to set up something with Kevin Owens that goes on both shows. This is not a prediction as I know nothing...merely fantasy scenerios.

What if…Paul Heyman turns on Brock costing him his title and we see Sable return to be in Brock’s corner at Wrestlemania.


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